Celebrate Yourself, Sis!



Hey girl!

Say it with me. Wins don’t have to be big to be celebrated! You should be proud of all your progress. Let’s normalize clapping for ourselves on a regular basis and celebrating all our wins at the end of each month. 

As I continue to thrive, I enjoy celebrating my growth more and more. I used to feel guilty for celebrating myself but now I know that I deserve it. We all deserve recognition for our hard work. 

 If you’re anything like me, you most likely struggled with celebrating yourself because you got used to being the supportive friend. 9/10 times you’ll hear me screaming “Ayeeee” or “Yesssss Sis” at the top of my lungs because I absolutely love hyping my friends up. Nothing is wrong with hyping your friends and/or family up, but we need to use that same energy to celebrate ourselves too. 

Celebrating your wins is so important because it’s an appreciation of yourself. It’s an opportunity to own your greatness and share it with the world.

Here are a few more benefits of celebrating yourself:

  •  You can inspire others

  • You develop a grateful mindset

  • You build confidence

  • You build momentum

  • You become more optimistic

  • You achieve more accomplishments 

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey

 So, let me ask you what are you celebrating this month Sis?

 Make sure you comment below because I want to celebrate WITH you!

This month I am celebrating consistency. (On next week’s blog post, I’ll go further into the power of consistency.) 

My win for April was posting a new blog post every Thursday.

This month I posted:

How to Crush Your Monthly Goals

3 Tips for Fitting Self- Care into Your Schedule

How to Achieve Your Next Goal 

A Birthday Letter to my Fiancé 

(Be sure to check out these posts if you missed any of them)

I am beyond proud of myself because consistency has always been a challenge for me. I am feeling super great about this win and I look forward to excelling at consistency even more.

This month I’m celebrating my wins by treating myself to Rupi’s virtual event: Rupi Kaur Live. I’m too excited for the good vibes, good wine, and good poetry.

How are you celebrating yourself this month?

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Do something nice for yourself

  • Buy yourself flowers

  • Take a day off 

  • Order takeout/ cook your favorite meal

  • Get dressed up and take yourself out 

  • Watch your favorite TV show without feeling guilty

  • Put money in your savings account 

  • Treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting to buy


Here are some gifts I’ve been planning to buy for myself at some point. Click the picture for more details.

Insulated Stainless Steel Tumbler

 Congratulations Sis! I’m proud of you and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish next. MAKE SURE YOU TREAT YOURSELF!

 If celebrating yourself is out of the ordinary for you, I hope it becomes a new normal beginning today. You deserve to be celebrated too!

Be sure to let us know what you’re celebrating this month in the comments and share this with a woman who needs to be celebrated!

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10 Life Lessons Death Taught Me


A Birthday Letter to My Fiancé