From the beauty of motherhood to the depths of a healthy relationship, to embracing your fears, there's something for every woman on her journey to self-discovery.

From the beauty of motherhood to the depths of a healthy relationship, to embracing your fears, there's something for every woman on her journey to self-discovery.

Alicia Allison Alicia Allison

Why Traveling Solo Was the Best Decision I Ever Made

Four years ago, I did something different. I did something bold. I traveled out of state by myself for the first time to attend a conference led by motivational speaker Eric Thomas (ET). I never intended to travel alone but I didn’t have anyone to accompany me. Looking back, I’m glad no one was able to go because I needed to take that trip alone. I needed to learn how to thrive without other people. I spent so much time pleasing others that I forgot how to please myself. I forgot what made me happy. In 2017, (two years after I became a mother) I reached my breaking point and traveling alone saved me. It was the beginning of a self-love, self-healing, and self-discovery journey that I never knew I needed. I am the woman I am today because I decided to step out of my comfort zone.

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Lifestyle, Personal Development Alicia Allison Lifestyle, Personal Development Alicia Allison

No Woman Left Behind

In 2019 I took a solo trip to Denver, Colorado to attend the Woman Evolve conference led by Sarah. The conference gave me the opportunity to be surrounded by more than 1,000 purpose filled women who taught me the importance of sisterhood, vulnerability, and transparency. At the conference, Sarah said something that spoke directly to my soul. She said, a woman is waiting for you.

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It’s time for you to invest in yourself

It’s time for you to invest in yourself