No Woman Left Behind
“If I’m in this world, then something or someone will become better because I took up space.”
Who was the last woman who inspired you to take a leap of faith?
It was Sarah Jakes Roberts for me. Sarah’s authenticity, transparency, and courage inspired me to launch The LIT Queens Book Club and Empower Her Story.
I was first introduced to Sarah in 2018 when my friend Stef shared one of her sermons on Facebook, titled “Girl Get up”. Sarah spoke with so much confidence and conviction that I had to get to know her better. After binge-watching her sermons on YouTube, she easily became my biggest inspiration. What I admired most about her was her resiliency. Sarah showed me that the sun still rises after the rain. Every now and then we need to know that there is someone else in this world who we could relate to. We need to know that we’re not alone.
In 2019 I took a solo trip to Denver, Colorado to attend the Woman Evolve conference led by Sarah. The conference gave me the opportunity to be surrounded by more than 1,000 purpose filled women who taught me the importance of sisterhood, vulnerability, and transparency. At the conference, Sarah said something that spoke directly to my soul. She said, a woman is waiting for you. She’s waiting for you to write the book. She’s waiting for you to start the podcast. She’s waiting for you to start the business. She’s waiting for you to evolve.
I was just reminded of this again.
Over the weekend, The Lit Queens Book Club and I finished reading Sarah Jakes Robert’s newest book, Woman Evolve and I’m still on a high. Sarah never ceases to amaze me. Her goal of this book was to encourage women to break up with their fears, awaken their potential, and set their purpose in motion and she did just that.
So many gems dropped throughout this book, but my favorite was “You are someone else’s mirror.”
I’ve said this once before but I’m going to say it again. The world needs you Sis! There is a woman in this world who is waiting for you to become the woman you’re destined to become so that she can do the same. I can’t thank Sarah enough for walking into her purpose and empowering me to do the same. Our lives serve a bigger purpose than we could imagine. Those fears, insecurities, and mistakes that we endure were not meant to break us. They were meant to transform us and help us transform someone else.
To every woman out there who is thinking about quitting, please don’t. You never know who’s watching you and who’s counting on you to soar. Whatever you do, please keep showing up Sis! There is a seed inside of all of us that is just waiting to be watered.
Whose seed are you going to water?
How are you going to help another woman evolve?