Empower Her Story

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7 Day Invest in Yourself Challenge

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What is the 7 Day Invest in Yourself Challenge?

It is a productivity challenge that is designed to help you establish healthier habits, master discipline + consistency, and be productive. For seven days we will invest in ourselves and our futures by participating in activities that contribute to our personal growth. 

Who is this challenge for?

This challenge is for anyone who is striving to become the best version of themselves. This challenge is for those who want to adopt a growth mindset and step out of their comfort zone.  

What can I expect from this challenge?

You can expect to be pushed beyond your limit and you can expect to learn something new about yourself. You will receive a free printable workbook filled with reflection questions, checklists, action steps, and other tools to help you improve your life. (I highly recommend that you print the workbook out! There’s nothing like capturing your thoughts with a pen and paper)

You can also expect daily emails from me each morning detailing what our activity of the day is. For more motivation, make sure you are following my Instagram: @empower_herstory and/or Facebook page: Empower Her Story 


How can I be successful at this challenge?

The only way you can be successful at this challenge is if YOU PUT IN THE WORK! I can guide you in the direction of your dreams, but I can’t achieve them for you. Your future is in your own hands.


When does the challenge begin?

We are kicking the challenge off on Sunday, August 1st, but the challenge is TIMELESS. You can join whenever you’d like, and you will still receive your free workbook and daily accountability emails. 


Why did you create this challenge?

I created this challenge because I want to reach my fullest potential. I want to establish healthier habits, master discipline + consistency and be more productive. I’ve struggled with all of these in the past so now I’m ready to get past those hurdles. I know that I can do more so I’m challenging myself to put in the work. 

I decided to open this challenge to everyone because I don’t want to level up alone. I want to see every woman win! (Fellas I’m rooting for you too but I’m very passionate about helping women become the best version of themselves.) Many of us are comfortable where we are at, but we are not happy. This year we are stepping it up a notch and getting the results we desire. 

I hope you are as excited as I am to evolve. I look forward to growing with you! If you have any other questions, feel free to shoot me an email at hello@empowerherstory.com !

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