From the beauty of motherhood to the depths of a healthy relationship, to embracing your fears, there's something for every woman on her journey to self-discovery.

From the beauty of motherhood to the depths of a healthy relationship, to embracing your fears, there's something for every woman on her journey to self-discovery.

Personal Development Alicia Allison Personal Development Alicia Allison

7 Day Invest in Yourself Challenge

The 7 day Invest in Yourself Challenge is a productivity challenge that is designed to help you establish healthier habits, master discipline + consistency, and be productive. For seven days we will invest in ourselves and our futures by participating in activities that contribute to our personal growth.

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Personal Development Alicia Allison Personal Development Alicia Allison

My Focus Word for 2021

This is the year I stop talking and put in the work. 

This is the year I stop procrastinating.

This is the year I turn my dreams into reality. 

Are you with me?

At the beginning of the year, I proclaimed that I am no longer playing with my potential. I’ve been dreaming and harboring great ideas for too long. Dreams are necessary but they’re not enough. Dreams don’t bring results! Dreams don’t create legacies! Execution does! 

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It’s time for you to invest in yourself

It’s time for you to invest in yourself