3 Ways to Help You Overcome Fear
“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”
If you are new to the community, you may not know that every Sunday I share a new journal prompt to help us reflect and reset for the week. It's so important for us to take the time to get our thoughts and feelings down on paper.
This week our journal prompts were centered around overcoming fear. The four journal prompts were:
What are you afraid of? Make a list.
Describe the last time you overcame fear? How did it make you feel?
What does it mean to face your fears?
What are your strengths?
If you haven’t gotten to these journal prompts yet, take a moment to do so now.
Now that we've identified our fears, let's discuss how to overcome them.
3 Ways to Overcome Fear
1. Gain Clarity
2. Boost Your Self Confidence
3. Choose Positive
Gain Clarity
One reason why you need to gain clarity is because clarity helps you push through doubt. When you understand why you’re doing something, it’s easier to figure out how to do it.
One of my fears is going live on social media. I’ve never done it before so I'm afraid that I'll make a mistake and jumble my words, or worst forget my entire message. I was thinking to myself the other day and I said, “You have to get out of your own head. You want to encourage women to embrace their individuality and show up as themselves, but you’re worried about being perfect?” That doesn’t make sense. One of the most important things to me is being authentic. I don’t like people who practice one thing but preach another, so I don’t want to become one either.
Right now, I am focusing on gaining clarity. I am focusing on the results of going live and how it will shape my future. Going live will help me build confidence; it will help me build consistency; it will help me reach a larger audience; and it will also help me make a bigger impact in the world. Think about one thing you are afraid of and ask yourself these questions below to help you gain clarity.
Questions to help you gain clarity: Do you know why you want to overcome this fear? Do you know what results overcoming this fear would bring?
Boost Your Self-Confidence
Rule #1: Believe in yourself!
I don't know how to do everything, but I believe that I can do anything and that's why I'm going to succeed at everything I do. Beginning today, I need you to be your own hype woman. I need you to remind yourself that no one else can fulfill this assignment but YOU. There are people in this world who are less talented than you who are gaining the opportunities you wished for because they believed in themselves and their potential. With self-confidence you can do ANYTHING. Go out there and get started Sis!!!
Here are two ways to help you boost your self-confidence:
Know what value you bring- What is your uniqueness? What are you good at? How do you make a person, place, or thing better?
Speak and think highly of yourself-What is your superpower? What is one word to describe you? Who are you?
If you struggle will boosting your self-confidence, try this activity below.
Create an affirmation board and be sure to look at them and recite them daily.
Here are some affirmations to help you overcome fear. (SAVE THIS PIN FOR LATER)
Feel free to come up with your own affirmations as well.
Choose Positive
Positivity is a state of mind you must work towards every day. Remember that everything is a choice, including positive thinking.
You've probably told yourself one of these things at least once:
"I don't have the money."
"I have kids."
"I might fail."
"I don't have the time."
"No one will support me."
You’re not alone because I’ve told myself all these things at least once. My life changed when I started telling myself this --> NO MORE EXCUSES!
I've realized that mindset is everything.
Once you change your mindset, you change your life.
Stop wondering "what if it fails" and "start believing it will work out."
If choosing positive is something you struggle with, I recommend you join/start a positivity challenge. For 30 days find something positive in each day. I did this a few years ago and it helped me become more optimistic for sure!.
If you want to overcome fear, I recommend you focus on gaining clarity, boosting your self-confidence and choosing positivity. On the other side of fear is the life you’ve dreamed of. You never know when an opportunity is going to come your way. Don’t let fear hold you back from getting to the next level!!!
How do you overcome fear? Share your tips below!