My Word for 2024

Alicia Jennings

What is your word for 2024?

My word for 2024 is ABUNDANCE. 

definition of abundance: a very large quantity of something.

This year I want MORE for myself…

More healing. 

More peace. 

More clarity.

More strength. 

More growth. 

More consistency. 

More experiences.

More connections. 

More impact.

More knowledge. 

More wealth. 

More fun. 

More laughs.

More love.

More opportunities.

More visibility.

More energy.

More life…

Honestly, I don't feel like I've been living up to my fullest potential. I've been afraid of my own growth and I’ve been letting self doubt hold me back from creating the life I truly desire. I haven't been maximizing my skills and talents to the best of my ability but this year that's going to change. I'm ready to push myself to the limit and evolve like I've never done before. I know that the only way I can get to the next level of my life is by stretching myself beyond measure. I can already tell 2024 is going to be challenging but I’m up for it!

I chose abundance as my word for 2024 because I want more out of life this year. I know that I am capable of feeling, looking and being better than I’ve ever been. I believe that I am worthy of a fulfilling life and I’m going to create it by any means necessary. Last year I leaned into stillness and I nurtured my soul. I gave myself exactly what I needed the most during that season. This year I’m leaning into growth. It’s time to bloom and turn it up a notch!

At the end of 2024 I want to say that…

I grew my finances.

I expanded my knowledge.

I created opportunities for myself.

I connected with like minded women.

I prioritized peace and joy.

I had fun with my friends.

I impacted my community.

I welcomed new friendships.

I tried something new.

I spent quality time with my daughter.

I stopped procrastinating.

I made space for my writing and art. 

I strengthened my relationship with my Fiancè.

I trusted myself.

I believed in myself.

I chose myself.

I bet on myself.

I learned more about myself.

I didn't let fear hold me back.

At the end of 2024 I want to say that I walked in my truth. I’ve sat in my silence long enough. 

What do you want to say at the end of 2024?

As you prepare to choose your word for 2024, I want you to ask yourself one question: 

What do I want for myself this year and why?

Be specific! The moment you get clear on what you want then you can figure out exactly what steps you need to take to get you there. Remember that your word of the year sets the tone. It is not the only thing you have to focus on but it is a starting point. 

A few days ago, I declared that 2024 is going to be the best year of my life thus far and I want the same for you.

Cheers to a year of unlimited possibilities!!!

Comment below and let me know what word you chose for 2024 and why.


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