My Birthday Self-Reflection-Cheers to 32!

At the beginning of the month, my Fiancé asked me how I felt about 32 and I was lost for words. Leading up to my birthday I started acknowledging my growth over the past year and clarifying my dreams for the future.

Here are a few self-reflection questions I asked myself:

How do you feel about turning 32?

I feel scared. I have so many big dreams, goals, and projects that I want to accomplish this year and I’m afraid to fulfill them. I’m afraid to fail. I’m afraid of rejection. I’m afraid of judgement. I’m afraid of the unknown. Ultimately, I’m afraid of my own success. I know I’m on the right path though because as the saying goes, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.”

Letting go of fear is at the top of my list this year! I keep thinking about something that my mother taught me when I was younger. She always said to get you must give and that is what I’ve been thinking about lately. To get the life that I desire I must be willing to give up fear.

What have you been enjoying or in love with over the past 12 months?

Over the past 12 months I have been in love with reading romance novels. I love, love! I love being in love and I love watching women be loved properly. I've also been enjoying reading alone. Last year I decided to pause my book club and it was the best decision I made for myself. After 3 years, I got tired of all the work that came with the book club. The book selections, the email/social media marketing and the zoom meetings became overwhelming. I just wanted to read so that's exactly what I did.

I love my book club dearly and I miss the conversations and connections I've built over the past few years. I'm going to bring it back in some capacity. I may do impromptu meetings in the future, but I haven't decided yet. I will always be a Lit Queen!!!

What have the past 12 months taught you?

The past 12 months have taught me that everybody needs somebody including myself. I am a Family Self-Sufficiency Coach and I work with families in Boston to help them achieve economic self-sufficiency. Daily I'm helping clients achieve their career, education, and financial goals. I love what I do, and I love watching my clients grow. It wasn't until recently that I realized that I am some people's biggest supporter. Many of my clients don't have anyone in their life guiding or encouraging them. I'm grateful that I could be that someone for them, but it made me realize that I need that too. I need someone to hold me accountable and help me get to the next level in my life. 

The past 12 months have taught me to feed my soul, pour into myself, and ask for help. These are all things I’ve struggled with in the past but I’m practicing them each day.

What are you ready to let go of? 

I am ready to let go of who I was. Certain people, places, and things no longer serve me. Sometimes I find myself trying to hold on to this old version of myself, but she doesn't exist anymore. I'm not the same person I was before I became a mother. I'm not the same person I was 20, 10, 5 or 1 year ago. I have new interests and goals and for 32 I'm going to explore them. I'm ready to let go of the past and get to know this new version of myself.

What are you open to welcome into your life over the next 12 months?

Over the next 12 months I'm open to welcoming new friendships and new relationships in my life. I want to connect with like-minded women who can challenge me and widen my perspective. There's so much power in networking and this year I'm looking forward to doing more of it. I'm also open to mentorship and leadership development. I’m looking forward to receiving coaching from women who share similar career paths and life experiences to me.

What do you hope to experience over the next 12 months?

Over the next 12 months I hope to experience ABUNDANCE. As I mentioned in my last blog, this is my year of abundance and I’m being called for MORE. I hope to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. Taking a Pilates class, yoga class and dance class are all on my list! I hope to be purposeful and make a positive impact in my community as well. I'm being called to make a bigger impact than I ever have before and I’m going to do just that!

I’m so grateful for another year to live on purpose! I can’t wait to see what 32 brings!!!! Cheers to MORE LIFE!!!!


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