Dear Self, Give Yourself Grace

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When I got sick about two weeks ago, I was devastated. I went from planning the last four months of the year to being on bed rest. In a matter of days, my life flipped upside down. My plans to work on the blog and other endeavors, visit my family, prepare my daughter for school, attend outings with my friends and a host of other activities were all canceled, and it took a toll on me. The entire time I was sick, I was criticizing myself for something I had no control over. Things had been going so well for me that I forgot life is about balance. I forgot that some days will be better than others. 

In the meantime, life inspired me to write. 

This letter to myself is a gentle reminder for the days that don’t go as planned. 

Dear Self, Give Yourself Grace

Give yourself grace. Not all days are going to be picture perfect. Some days you may jump to joy and other days you may curl up into a ball and cry. Both days are necessary. Balance is necessary. Give yourself grace. You don’t have to do everything. It’s okay to rest. Give yourself grace. No one has it all together. We are all students. We are all a work in progress. Embrace that you are not the same person you were a year ago. You have come a long way. Give yourself grace. You are doing a phenomenal job. It’s not easy to balance motherhood, work, relationships, and your individuality but somehow you get it done. Give yourself grace. Life doesn’t always go as planned. You don’t have to have everything figured out. The world is not crashing down on you. It is preparing you for something greater. Give yourself grace. You deserve it. 

 With love,



Today, take a moment to write yourself a letter. Give yourself the same advice you give others so effortlessly. Tell yourself something positive. Your words mean the most. 


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