Stop Avoiding Your Life Purpose
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
I don’t believe we were born to just merely exist. Our lives serve a bigger purpose than that.
As Sarah Jakes Roberts said, “It’s not just about you, it’s about everyone connected to you.” Our life purposes are meant to serve other people. We must stop being selfish with our purposes and start sharing them with the people they’re supposed to serve. You were called to walk in shoes that only fit you. You were given instructions that only you can read. Each of us were called to make a difference in this world. What difference are you going to make?
I was called to help women reach their fullest potential. It’s my responsibility to inspire and motivate women to tell their stories and embrace their individuality. We all have superpowers and mine are using my writing and speaking to change the world.
Someone once told me, “Tell your story. It will heal you and help others,” but I couldn’t understand what that meant until a few years ago.
During my adolescence, I constantly asked myself “Why me? Why do I have to face so many challenges? Why do I have to suffer?” Now I’ve realized that I am a chosen one. I’m okay knowing that my pain is someone else’s medicine. Someone knew I was tough enough to change the world.
One year ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone and walked into my purpose. I launched The Lit Queens Book Club, which is a safe space for Black women to read together, build relationships and share our stories comfortably. My goal was to generate more conversations between Black women, and we’ve been doing just that. Last Saturday I had the pleasure of joining Montia on her podcast StorytellHER, to discuss being newly engaged, the power of stepping out of your comfort zone, the joys of being a girl mom and much more. (You can listen to the full episode here.)
She said something about the book club that warmed my heart. She said, “We talk about the books which is enriching but it’s about the women I’ve met. I just walk away from those book club meetings with so much and it really is a blessing.”
Montia and I don’t know each other personally. We met last year in a Woman Evolve Facebook group created by Sarah Jakes Roberts. I invited all the ladies to the book club and Montia joined. I just want you to take a moment to think about this. Imagine if I never started the book club. I would’ve never met Montia or joined her as a guest on her podcast. The women who have joined the book club would’ve never had a space to connect with new women. They would’ve never been able to share their truths comfortably. Some of you don’t understand the power you possess. Our purposes are bigger than us!
Your purpose is going to introduce you to new people, new perspectives, and new opportunities. Your purpose is going to help someone. Your purpose is going to inspire someone. Your purpose is going to elevate you. I hope that beginning today, you stop avoiding your purpose and start using it to bless the world. We need you Sis!
“Once you find yourself, you find your purpose.”
If you don’t know what your purpose is that’s okay. Take some time to ask yourself these questions.
I can’t wait to hear your responses!