Empower Her Story

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A Birthday Letter to My Fiancé

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My love,

Today you’re 31 and I’m blessed to take another lap around the sun with you.

8 years ago, we met.

7 years ago, we created a bond like no other.

6 years ago, you asked me to be your girlfriend.

67 days ago, you asked me to be your wife.

Thank you for choosing me again and again.  

Every year we celebrate your birthday to the fullest but this one feels different. This year you are exactly where you envisioned yourself. For the past 6 months I’ve watched you transform. I’ve watched you speak your life into existence. You've become more disciplined, more consistent, more ambitious, and more committed. No one sees how hard you work behind the scenes except me, and I am beyond proud of you. You would rather feel tired than unaccomplished and that is what separates you from the rest. There is no one in this world who could outwork you and I love that about you.

As I wish you a Happy 31st Birthday I also want to wish you a Happy 6-month Anniversary to your podcast, Let’s Skip The small Talk. For 6 months you’ve pushed us to think deeper and provided us with motivation, intrigue and most importantly VALUE. I remember on Episode 53: Get Ready by Being Prepared, you said, “Promise yourself that you will give everything you have to gain everything you desire.” This has stuck with me ever since. Because of you, giving up is not an option for me and neither is inconsistency. You are truly committed to your purpose and you inspire me to do the same. 

I just want to say thank you Ty. Thank you for holding me accountable. Thank you for motivating me. Thank you for uplifting me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for being a vital part of my life. I couldn’t imagine navigating this life journey without you by my side. 

On this day I want you to know that you mean the world to me and I will always be your biggest cheerleader. Congratulations and cheers to 31 Ty! This is only the beginning. 

Yours truly,


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