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5 Ways to Express Gratitude Daily

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Thanksgiving is over but we should continue to express gratitude daily. Expressing gratitude daily is important because it teaches you to appreciate what you have, and it helps you acknowledge your blessings. Most of the time, we have everything we need right in front of us, but we don’t even realize it. By saying, “I have everything I need,” it doesn’t mean that you have it all, it just means that what you do have is enough.  

Although the holidays are over, I hope you continue to feel grateful, thankful, and blessed. 

Here are 5 ways you can express gratitude daily: 

1.     Start a Gratitude Journal: Spend five minutes each day jotting down what you’re grateful for and why. Gratitude journals allow you to document your blessings and look back at them whenever you need to. Here are some gratitude journal prompts you can use to guide you.

2.     Share Your Gratitude Aloud: If journaling is not for you, an alternative is sharing your gratitude with someone else. Every night I lay with my daughter before she goes to sleep and we ask each other, "what was your favorite part of the day?" I love hearing what she enjoyed each day. I’m teaching her that every day may not be good but there's always something good in each day. 

3.     Always Say Thank You: Keep in mind that no one is entitled to do anything for you. Whenever anyone does anything for you, be appreciative and let that person know you’re grateful. Sometimes our loved ones do the most for us but get the least recognition. If you have anyone in your life who you appreciate, make sure they know! A simple “thank you” goes a long way.

4.     Stop complaining: Whenever I was ungrateful as a child, my parents always reminded me that there was someone less fortunate than me in this world. You may think your situation is the worst, but there’s always someone facing a tougher battle than you. Instead of complaining, count your blessings. 

5.     Adopt a Positive Mindset: Look at challenges in a different perspective. Obstacles are inevitable but there is always something to be grateful for. You truly must train your mind to see the good in every negative situation.

Life is too short to be miserable!!!

Share one way you are blessed in the comments.

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